Activity 2: Language Learner Advisor

May 19, 2011

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Our comemmt about the advices found in the webpage:

By: Dàmaris Castilla, Laura Rodríguez, Ana Cuenda, Antonella Cittanti and Sofia Chtchepetova.

We think that this webpage is intended to motivate independent learning.The language used is very direct and motivating. The material they propose can be easily found, thus encouraging the student even more. The figure of a teacher is not mentioned, so you have to find out your own methods, strategies and try to organize yourself and your time because there are no deadlines. There is a wide range of possibilities in order to learn and practice the language according to your own level and learning style. Depending on your level you can choose which activities you prefer: for instance, if your level is Elementary, you would probably choose listening to music rather than reading a newspaper which is much more difficult to understand. It gives you tips on where to find real language but it is not explained how to exploit these sources. Compared with Module 1, we find that the main difference is the role of the teacher. In Module 1 we need the teacher to guide you and moreover, you have to evaluate yourself.

What can we create with useful tools?

Internet is packed with lots of useful links. There is a special one wich, for some unknown reason, I liked a lot. Wordle can create a nice mix with random words you add, here you can see one I specifically created for this course:


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